A part of her knew deep down the true looming monster was of her own making, fueled and fed by her own mind. Her inner darkness and vicious logic had a certain power that was not easy to relinquish, but essential to control. The noise in her head- the unshakable rationality at odds with the sheer thundering awareness of every possibility- jolted through her as if Thor’s hammer had struck her down. It nearly sent her reeling to her knees, overcome by the pounding it set through her.
Right when she needed it the most, she came across a garment laced with bones, steeped in ancestral magic that sang to her. She felt a connective magnetism that there was no denying. This was meant for her, perhaps sent by the gods themselves. She placed it over her. Peaceful oblivion and tantalizing power swept through her in equal measure. It was the most absolute, serene promise she had ever known. She knew this was the beginning of her true awakening.
Model/ Short Story by: Kelsey Zukowski
Photography by: Kevin Mack
Make- Up by: Donna Delia
Costume & Styling by: Alyssa Kollgaard
Kelsey Zukowski is a horror actress/ writer and internationally published alternative model who gravitates towards dark, complex material full of thematic exploration.
The magic of the bones grabbed ahold of her and infused itself with every part of her, rapidly planting its roots firmly through her. As it did, she felt every doubt and bit of logic banished from her like murky, toxic smoke escaping through the air. Her mind was...
A consuming darkness loomed over her like a melancholic cloud despite the blazing sun above. Crippling fear and well-meaning reason suffocated her; preying and hungry. All those years ago she ran into the depths of the wilderness far away from the familiarity of the...